Sunday, May 22, 2011

Australian Aborigines

Australian Aborigines are a special and original group in Australia. They have their own special culture and habits.
Australian Aborigines are the original residents and have lived in Australia for  more than 40000 years. They lived by hunting and gathering. Males and females made different but complementary economic contributions. Women were primarily the gatherers of vegetables, roots, herbs, fruits and nuts, eggs and honey, and small land animals such as Snakes and Goannas. Men were the hunters of large land animals and birds and also co-operated to organise large-scale hunting drives to catch Emus and Kangaroos.A combination of nomadic lifestyle and the regions sunny climate meant that there was no need to build substantial dwellings. The shelter used in permanent camps and  consisted of a frame work of saplings covered with a thatch of material locally available.
Australian Aboringines used the vibrant ceremonies such as body painting and personal ornamentation, ground sculpture, bark painting, wood carving, and rock painting and engraving to present and record their life and history.
 The Didgeridoo is the representative and uinque instrument of Australian Aboringines. We can often see Aborigines playing it in the street.
Though Australian Aboringines are the original residents in Australia, nowadays more and more new migrants come to Australia, bringing their new cultures. Australia has become a multicultural nation.

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